
RoboForex Promotion


Promotion Status
12th Anniversary promo, $1200,000 Fund expired
Partners Promotion 2023, Fund $1M expired
11th Anniversary promo, $1,000,000 Fund expired
15% Cash expired

Additional FAQ

There is no clear-cut answer to that. What you need to know is that ECN brokers do offer a better trading environment than market makers although some of them may cheat on you.

Better yet, licensed ECN brokers in advanced countries are usually subject to stricter supervision that reduces the likelihood of fraud.

Continue Reading at Can ECN Brokers Cheat on You?

To detect a forex broker's policy on scalping, look for information on the broker's official website. The freedom of trading with scalping is a feature that is often considered an

Continue Reading at Why Do Brokers Restrict Scalping?

Brokers that loosen their requirements are much more exposed to fraud than those that do not.

Many clients have been complaining about the long safety procedure and identity verification, which can take at least a few business days to complete.

If the company keeps requiring clients to double-check their login details, verifying their identities multiple times, and confirming their intentions, people can easily back away and this means lower revenue.

Most companies wouldn't take such a risk in this dire economic situation, as customers are their sole source of income.

In the cost of satisfying their customers, brokers must face the risk of fraud. By lowering their security measures, they are practically exposing their vulnerabilities to the public. And in reality, one fraudster can cause greater harm than 100 legitimate customers can cause good.

Continue Reading at Fraud Trends that Brokers Should Watch for in 2023

First, you can review the comparison between the broker's swap rates and the actual differences between the central bank's benchmark rates. If the comparison is not too drastic, then it can be concluded that your broker doesn't manipulate the swap rates.

However, if it is too extreme, this could be a sign that your broker is taking too much profit from overnight positions.

Continue Reading at Forex Broker Cheats and How to Anticipate Them